What is it like when participants across generations meet in a creative environment? You will find out in the newly opened intergenerational workshop of the Memory of Nations high school. It is an inspiring experience for both generations, as evidenced by feedback from the pilot workshop:

“You were all pleasant and I have a nice feeling that we could talk about anything. Our opinions often coincided, which I’m not used to with you elders,” says student Sofie.

Senior Jana is also enthusiastic: “Can we meet again? I would really like to!”

Senior Alena summed it up best: “It was overcoming artificially created barriers.”

Do you want to overcome these barriers with us? Sign up for a demonstration class of an intergenerational workshop or another GPN Academy course: https://forms.gle/2btWHUA8uKqSs2iw9

More information about the courses: https://gymnazium.pametnaroda.cz/akademie-gpn/

The course takes place every semester from October to June, every Tuesday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Price: free for seniors and students