Liberec Studio will present its performance as part of the Czech-Polish festival of young theatre JESTĚDYVADLO 2025.
The performance will take place on Friday 14 March from 13:30 to 14:00. You are wormly invited!

Title of performance: Ray in the Darkness

Imagine you are fifteen years old, your childhood carefree-ness is ending and you, a little shaky and uncertain, are entering your adult years. You have to learn to walk in it, wondering what others will think of you if you don't walk confidently enough. Lots of things change, school, friends and your very perception of the world, and you need at least some reassurance at a time like this to safely seek the right direction. Now imagine a regime coming along that takes all your fixed points and turns them upside down! Which way will you go, how will you find a foothold from which to build? How precious is friendship, how valuable is security in life? We'd like to tell you a story about finding your way.

We've based the story on memories of:
Mr. Jan Šolc (
Mrs. Ilona Bláhová (
Mrs. Jana Morozovičová (
Mrs. Lenka Bártová (
Mrs. Marie Adamcová (
and also on the book of Mr. Lubomir Vejražka "Scars remain"