
About tamarapomoriski

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So far tamarapomoriski has created 57 blog entries.

Premiere of the Production “Luck”


The Memory of Nations Theatre has prepared the sixth edition of its regular theatre series “We Are Memory.” The aim is to present original performances from a young generation of artists, thematically based on the real stories of eyewitnesses recorded by Post Bellum documentarians and to connect art students with already integrated professional artists. [...]

Premiere of the Production “Luck”2024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

We Are Memory 2024


The new edition of We are Memory has begun! On November 21, students of the Department of Art Education of PedF UK met with Holocaust survivors in the Unijazz Reading Room. This event is the first step towards the creation of a production that the National Remembrance Theatre in cooperation with the Dutch Theatre Na de Dam regularly presents on January 27th on Holocaust Remembrance Day. [...]

We Are Memory 20242024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

Discover Your Talent on Stage with the Memory of Nations Theatre and the Drak Theatre in Hradec Králové


We are happy to announce the collaboration between the Memory of Nations Theatre and the legendary Drak Theatre in Hradec Králové! Together we are opening the doors of a new theater studio, intended for all young enthusiasts aged 14-19. Why join the Theater Studio in Hradec Králové? [...]

Discover Your Talent on Stage with the Memory of Nations Theatre and the Drak Theatre in Hradec Králové2024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

Brno: Join the theater crew! Theater Studio is still accepting


There's still time to apply to Theater Studios! The first hours are already behind us, but that doesn't matter at all! If you have free Tuesday evenings, we will be happy to invite you to our theater party. We combine the creative side of theater with interesting stories of witnesses. The studio, which is intended for children from 12 to 15 years old, is led by an experienced lecturer. It is a meaningful activity that teaches (not only) children about events in the 20th century through the lens of personal stories and in an engaging way. So don't wait for anything and sign up. [...]

Brno: Join the theater crew! Theater Studio is still accepting2024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

Challenge for students of fine arts and acting


We would like to invite you to participate in the unique theater project We Are Memory, which is organized annually by the organization Post Bellum in cooperation with Theater Na de Dam from the Netherlands. This year, the project is being held in cooperation with the National Gallery Prague. [...]

Challenge for students of fine arts and acting2024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

Let's start! We invite you to the Theater Studios of Memory of Nations


Dear friends, We are happy to invite you to visit the Theater Studios of Memory of Nations. A new theater season awaits us, full of creativity and discovering history through theater. We have already managed to enjoy a lot of unforgettable moments in the last season. Thank you for being with us! Now we can look forward to the next adventure. [...]

Let's start! We invite you to the Theater Studios of Memory of Nations2024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

We connect generations through creation


What is it like when participants across generations meet in a creative environment? You will find out in the newly opened intergenerational workshop of the Memory of Nations high school. It is an inspiring experience for both generations, as evidenced by feedback from the pilot workshop: [...]

We connect generations through creation2024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

The performance Road No. 19 will be presented at the Prague Quadrennial +


We are very happy: Our theater performance We Are Memory: Road No. 19 will be presented as part of the PQ+ accompanying program at the Prague Quadriennial International Festival 2023! We cordially invite you to the Stone Bell House, on Sunday, June 11, from 7 p.m. In addition, the performance will be enriched with English subtitles, which is why we invite foreign audiences as well. [...]

The performance Road No. 19 will be presented at the Prague Quadrennial +2024-03-17T17:53:36+01:00

Představení středoškolského souboru


14.5.2023 Věra a rodina. Věra a škola. Věra a láska. Věra a její úvahy nad sebou a světem. Pohyb, obraz, papír, živá hudba. Představení středoškolského souboru vychází z deníkových zápisů Věry Jirousové z let 1956 - 1963, které našel a zpracoval její syn Tobiáš Jirous po její smrti. Sám přijal pozvání a kroužek navštívil a posunul bádání nad touto pozoruhodnou ženou o další krok dál. Soubor se zabýval pečlivě všemi zápisy, věnoval se dramaturgické práci při výběru textů a následnému propojení s pohybem, jevištním obrazem a scénografickým zpracováním. Pohybově spolupracoval s Šimonem Plyskou, který členy souboru inspiroval i k pohybu na [...]

Představení středoškolského souboru2023-07-26T11:22:00+02:00

Přehlídka divadelních kroužků Paměti národa v Památníku ticha


16.5.2023 Praha Osmý semestr divadelních kroužků Paměti národa se blíží ke konci a stotřicítka dětí chystá svá závěrečná vystoupení. Osm kroužků (z toho dva pro děti z Ukrajiny) z Prahy i mimo ni vystoupí na Přehlídce divadelních kroužků Paměti národa dne 8. června mezi 16 - 18 hodinou v Památníku ticha. Prostory nádraží Bubny na podzim projdou kompletní rekonstrukcí. Vystoupení budou tedy zřejmě naposledy zasazena do budovy tak, jak vypadala ve 20. století.    

Přehlídka divadelních kroužků Paměti národa v Památníku ticha2023-08-16T12:34:34+02:00

O Divadle

Prozkoumejte minulost interaktivním a hravým způsobem Nechte se inspirovat odvahou a silou obyčejných hrdinů Staňte se součástí tvůrčího procesu a ovlivněte podobu inscenace Zažijte historii na vlastní kůži v autentických prostorách


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